Wonder why i so damn moody and sad yesterday ??? o.O" y? y? y?
That's my hand, i get hurt when a motorist pass by me and snatched my sling bag!!!
wuwuwu~~~~~ T^T sob sob~~poor nini *sigh* what to do beside *sigh*~~~~
lost a few things >_< (May college fees, two student card, important college note that i have take times to prepare it, a dictionary and my pencil case)
Arghhh~~ damn poor this few month, now i gonna pay double for the fees THIS MONTH and the losses of the STUDENT card) WTF!!!
But luckily my car key, house keys and my purse was not in it, although inside my bag still have money T^T
What makes me more suffer is that i cant tell anybody about what was happening to me last night, aspecially my parents. why oh why again??? cuz it will just end up scolding me like hell lolz~ so prefer not to tell *sigh*
PS: unLess you've Lived my Life, Don't Judge Me because you Don't know, never have & never will know every LittLe thing & DetaiL about ME.
>>>>>>>>damn moody >>>>> temporarily pls leave me alone >.<
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