T^T my lovely car...being hit until like this
haiz.....damn sad
i think my car door cant open
my dad's car also being hit

my leg's being colour with dark red,purple"bruise"
dont really know how it became like this
cant recall back wat happen @@"
kinda blur bluring

Aww......feeling extremely down T^T
last night, when i'm so happy on my way to DPC
on my way to my uncle's house for swimming
the t-junction traffic malfunction @@"
i cross over the road carefully after the car hv passed
when i'm half way over, suddenly the other side
a car with quite fast speed came towards me OO"
i cant stop at the right time or skip it
finally T^T
BOOM !!!
i get shock n so angry, and thinking of WTF is going on man!!!
i stop my car engine n out of my car
the uncle seem nice, and asking me whether am i hurt or wat
so i decide not to argue with him, if not for sure i already F him
and he just bla bla bla bla.... is a t-junction i should hv stop
tis la tat la.... and at last duno who's wrong it is
i swear to god i already been real careful
so, i dont think i'm wrong, he is the one who hit me LOL
then i straight away called my dad over
and we go to the police station to make report of accident
Yesterday really an unlucky day for us
my dad also have an accident before me @@"
in the same day, we had an accident
my dad been to the police station 2 times to make report
yaiks !!! wat the hell is going on now ????
Dad & Daughter having an accident
in the same day, CAR almost the same position being hit LOL
sighing~ pity my lovely car T^T
damn sad lah~
luckily we are unharmed
if not , i cant imagine that, in 1 day 2 family members
hv accident, for sure all my family will felt extremely panic
for god sake and for my family sake
all d bad lucks of 2010 can u please go away
shoo!!! shoo!!! shoooo!!!!!
good luck to u~~~take a good care ya...muacks>....
haiz.... really charm lah...
dont worry, i'll take k de lah...
bo bian... T^T ....my car ~ ~ ~
How is your leg now?? take care ar.... how is ur car now?
Leg, getting better lol~ car ah...haiz...waiting to claims insure n repair....need to wait long time, coz hv to go specific shop for claiming insure n repair....
wait long long...now charm dao~ no car really charm, want go whr pun tak boleh....@@ haiz... T^T wuwuwuwuw...
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