Bored-dood >>thats me :(I'm bored of being bored !!
although i felt relaxing at home, but somehow in the mean time i felt so down to be so bored just staying at home all the time. I know i can do something with that, but .....
i hate my self
for treating myself like that, too lazy to go out explore to the excited world out there, just keeping my self in the house all the time doing nothing !!! (useless)
I wanna go out, but when thinking of using money just to satisfy my needs (going shopping, movies, travel) just to avoid being bored, i will feel so guilty of wasting my money on all that!!! I'll always ask myself before doing that, is it worth to waste the money on all these entertaiment? Do you know there's a lot of people suffering out there? That's the main reason i suffer from being bored keeping my self at home i guess >_< (excuses)
I really don't know what to do next !!!
@@ yaiks~ T^T ~sob sob~